
Your photos take lots of space.  You have only two choices: keep it or delete it.

Many times, photos are just informational, so high resolution photos are a waste of space. We need a third choice: keep  in a smaller size.

This APP will downsize all the non-favorite photos to a configurable size. The batch processing size is also configurable.  You can do all the photos once, or do a couple photos a time.  The most recent photos come first.


1. One click to downsize all non-favorite photos

2. Anti-duplication feature (system remember what has been done)

3. Configurable batch processing size (so you can process the old photos in free time)(Pro version only)

4. Configurable resizing image size to meet your requirement (Pro version only)

5. Original photos could be delete right after resizing or a later time (Confirm from history)

6. The process is undoable before the originals are deleted

7. History records shows how many photos are downsized and how many space (in Megabytes) will be saved or have been saved, up to one year

8. Pre-resizing features including favorite toggling, single photo view, deletion, and zooming


1 Mark all the photos you want to keep in original size as favorite

2.Tapping Do downsize button to do the resizing

3. Select Delete or Cancel for original photos

4. Once all existing photos are processed, you will see no photos  for processing.  The system picks the most recent photos first.

Note:  The storage space is saved only after deleting the original photos, which could be done after downsizing action or do Confirm in history tab later.  The deletion is un-reversable!!!

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